Today's outing made me realize one thing, and if you want to realize the same thing all you have to do is go to your favorite water without waders: I need to work on my roll casting. Almost everywhere I stopped to fish, I wanted to reach a fallen log or the far bank, and without wading I was very restricted on any kind of back cast. Simple solution, just roll cast, right? Well I guess I spoil myself by just walking out far enough (and likely spooking fish) that I can make a standard cast. I honestly thought I had a serviceable roll cast until today, when I had no other options.
Ahh, the poor misunderstood rollcast. Left in the closet until someone really needs it, then dragged out dusted off, and cursed when it doesn't perform... 8-)
I wish I could say I hadn't done the same, but after last year's trip to Tennessee - and watching Ian Rutter hammer fish I couldn't reach (with my perfectly servicable roll cast) - I came home and practiced that little beauty.
It paid off.
Could a rollcast find its way into your next woodcut print?
Well it could, but I'd have to remember what a good one looked like first! Seriously, I don't even know where to start practicing. I think I need to buy a video or something.
Tom, let me ask you, seriously, do different flexes in rods make roll casts easier or harder? I fished with a guy once who was really good at roll casting, I tried his rod and he tried mine and neither one of us could do it worth a damn. Seems like a full flex rod might make that easier, I don't know. I do know that I ought to be better at it with any rod, I just wondered if the flex made a difference...
I've heard people say slow rods rollcast better, fast rods rollcast better, rods with "hinges" above the grip rollcast better...
You get the picture.
The one generalization I am willing to make is that done properly, a roll cast is a lot like a forward cast - largely effortless.
If you're working at it, you're probably doing it wrong.
Uh, I'm doing it wrong then.
I will keep you posted on any progress. Thanks.
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