Okay maybe small town standards are a little lower when it comes to what passes for excitement. So when the field across the street from us caught fire, we knew that's as high as the thrill-o-meter would go for the day. We walked over to see if we could help out, and as it turned out we could. Some neighbors with shovels helped put out one leading edge of the fire while the fire department concentrated on the other side, closer to some homes nearby. They had everything under control, certainly, but it was scary how fast it all happened. Close to 25 acres of very dry grass burned in about a half hour.

Kind of looked like lava when this fire was flowing downhill.

My wife Sandy makes her debut appearance on the Flyfishin' blog.

Firefighters work near the burn pile that started it all.
Based on what your wife looks like, I think she should appear on the blog more and you should appear a little less.
Just trying to help. Really.
Thanks Tom. I agree. She won't let me post pictures of her very often, but I can certainly start cropping my face out of my fishing pictures. That should improve the ratio a little.
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