You've met Belly, the snake, and of course the late great Junior. Here's a picture of my German Shorthaired Pointer, Sierra. She's 11 years old. We're having one of those really awesome, beautiful snowfalls today, the perfect snowball snow that sticks to every tree branch. Love it. Here, Sierra the "bird dog" displays her flawless style of pointing songbirds, behind her, while sitting. Classic form. She's actually just begging for a snowball in the face in this photo, a request I promptly granted.
Snowball in the face? Dog Abuser!!
The Official Canine of the Trout Underground (Wally the Wonderdog) is always getting himself into life-threatening situations, so frankly, a dog that points songbirds looks pretty good by comparison...
Great pic, it's hard to believe she's 11.
Tom, Sierra doesn't live the thrillseeking life that Wally does. She did fall off the deck once, back legs slipped off and she held on, wide-eyed, with her front legs as long as she could before she disappeared over the side. My wife is still laughing at that. But that's as close as she gets to life-threatening situations...
Tadcranky, you're right, it's hard to believe. But she's totally grey in the face. She still runs around like a young dog, but she is a little creaky after she's been lying down for a while.
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