This was really interesting. In 1963, a B-52 crashed deep in the woods about ten miles from our cabin. A local snowmobile club maintains a memorial there. The crash left few large pieces of the plane, yet there were two survivors, including the co-pilot whose parachute did not work. He landed in the snow, upright in his ejection seat. It's still an eerie site, a debris field that covers acres, including airplane parts stuck in trees or half buried in the ground.
Pop quiz: This is either A) the opening scene of a horror movie, or B) the place where we got fresh lobster for dinner one night.

The answer, surprisingly, is B. But the lobsters were great, caught that very morning.

Some other shots from the week, in no particular order...

Awesome pictures dude! I'm jealous. Is this something you think you'll do again?
Oh yeah, for sure. I'd like to see it in the spring, maybe. The bugs are bad, but that keeps the fishermen away too. But I'd like to do some spring fishing up there. Also, our guide does smallmouth trips up there, apparently the smallies are nice up in Maine, and a hundred miles north of where we were, they do overnight musky trips on lakes up there. I'll tell you what, I can't rule something like that out, a musky on a fly rod...
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