Douglas and I floated the 3.5 miles of the East Outlet guided by Dan from Maine Guide Fly Shop. Dan has a reputation of being The Man in that part of Maine when it comes to fishing. Here's Douglas and our ride...

I got the first fish of the day, this is a female landlocked salmon, and Dan said it was likely two and a half years old, her first annual trip into the river.

Here's Dan holding the same fish...

Then it was Douglas' turn, and he caught I think four brook trout in a row. This first one was a really nice size...

But the colors on the second fish were absolutely stunning...

Next up I found a match for my earlier salmon, this time a male of the same age. Colored very much like a brown trout...

The river dumps out into Indian Pond, an enormous (by my east coast standards) body of water without a visible structure anywhere around the perimeter. With the exception of a few beautiful campsites accessible only by boat, this place looks like it looked a thousand years ago.

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