Just a few miscellaneous ramblings today...

She's still small, but Belle is growing quickly. I've been trying to get a clear picture of her head since we got her back in February, but that delay that digital cameras have gives her more than enough time for her to get out of focus. Finally lucked into this one yesterday.

This series on Discovery Channel, or, more importantly, on Discovery Channel HD, is breathtaking. If you've been looking for a reason to spring for that high definition flatscreen,
this may be it.

The Model 94 on top you've seen here before. The Ruger GP100 below it is new, and I'm hitting the range with it today. It's been many, many years since I've fired a handgun, I'm looking forward to trying this beauty out.

This woman is really, really funny. You may have seen her on Comedy Central in a few things, but she's got some funny little videos on
this site.
That's all I got. Hopefully my next post will contain a picture of the first smallmouth of the year, caught on Sunday!
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