Today I was given a box of old fly fishing stuff by a good friend. It belonged to her father, a WWII veteran and survivor of Pearl Harbor. He is still living, but moved out of a house filled with a lifetime collection of fishing gear. I was lucky enough to get the fly portion.

Many rods, some complete, some not. Some bamboo, some not. And several reels. I have not started to look any of this stuff up, so if anyone knows anything about anything pictured here, don't hesitate to chime in. This one to the left is my favorite reel of the bunch. On the back it reads 'YALE / NICKEL SILVER.' No other markings.
In the photo at the top of the post, the reel in the middle, front row, has 'Montgomery Ward' stamped on the back along with a number. Probably not a priceless relic I'm guessing. Front row right reads 'SPORTCRAFT, NO. 60, H-ICO. USA.' Back left, the black one, says 'PFLUEGER SAL-TROUT NO. 1554.' The last one has no markings other than 'Japan.'

There were also these other four reels, the top two are 'OREN-O-MATIC,' some sort of automatic reel I haven't figured out yet. Bottom right says 'H-I, Uitca NY' on it, weighs about as much as a brick and might actually be a bell for a kid's bicycle. The reel on the bottom left is also shown here, it came in the box with paperwork dated 1961.

The rods will take some time to sort through. Sections were taped together that don't appear to be from the same rod. Much of these are long beyond repair, I'm guessing, but the man who owned these is someone I admire a lot. And I will try to identify the best of these rods and get it in good enough condition to at least hang on the wall. This one pictured above is probably going to win out, although it has no markings it is in the best condition.

This rod to the right, seven pieces, is very interesting. It seems to be the oldest item in the box, by a wide margin. The sock it came in looks ancient. The rod itself is very heavy, not bamboo. And the butt, which seems to be made of brass, is inscribed with 'C. Farlow, Maker, 191. Strand.'

The guides are interesting as well, they are rings that hinge and fold down. This rod I am most curious to learn more about.
So it's been kind of fun to go through this stuff. It will be interesting to try and learn more about it all. As I said before, if you've seen anything similar and have anything to share, please do.