Continuing on the theme of beautiful fish I'll probably never catch, this week's Photo of the Week (usually a Saturday installment but I'll be away this weekend) comes from the camera and fly rod of Jay from
Fly Fishing and More. Jay's from the Netherlands, and this absolutely beautiful grayling came from a river in Austria, somewhere near places with cool names like Bad Ischl and Goiserer Traun. Man, I love these graylings. Thanks Jay!

(CORRECTION: Jay emailed me and pointed out that the fish pictured is not a grayling, but rather a brook trout. The Germans, I'm told, call it a Bach Saibling. I was confused by what appeared to be the distinct dorsal fin. This is a grayling shown here. Now, more to the point, that really is a spectacular brookie!! I clearly did not recognize it because the only brookie I've ever seen was about the size of a business card.)
Hi Ed,
Very proud to be a picture of the week!
The brookie is indeed an amazingly beautiful fish. Graylings are equally beautiful. The big ones are strong fish too! Yep, they can grow up to 24 inches here in Europe!
Oh you should definitely add 'Flyfishin' Photo of the Week Award Recipient' to your resume!
I'm working on an elaborate scam to get me across the pond to fish, but my planning is in the very early stages and my wife doesn't know about it yet. Luckily she does not read the 'comments' on my site!
Talk your wife for a romantic trip to Vienna and use the trip to take a plunge in the fabulous grayling streams in Austria too! *grin!*
Perfect. I mean, the most selfless thing I could do for her is to provide her with a day at the spa, while I just disappear for an entire day and leave her alone, right? Sure, it's tough when you just give and you give and you give, but dammit, it's the right thing to do!
Don't forget to give me a call/mail. I'll join you in search of the illusive grayling! :)
Illusive?? You never said anything about illusive! I'm from America and require instant gratification! If the grayling aren't biting, you got any smallmouth in your neck of the woods?
In all seriousness, I very much appreciate that invite to fish with you. From the look of your pictures I know I'll at least get to SEE some nice fish!
instant gratification like cast-strike-hand over the rod so the client can play the fish? :)
Oh, no. I insist on catching my own fish start to finish. So it's more like: hand me the appropriate fly, point to pool full of fish, hold my beer (local foreign brew, of course (probably room temperature)), net fish, remove fly, take picture of me while claiming that's the nicest fish you've ever seen out of this, your home water, repeat!
These are things you wouldn't do it to your best friends!
Maybe that's why I've never hired a guide. It takes all the fun out of exploring a new river. Not to mention the money that you have to pay...
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