The wading was awkward through deep, soft mud. But I finally managed to get down to the river and throw a fly line in. Once I found a spot that didn't make me feel like I was standing in quicksand, it didn't take long for this smallmouth to take the fly and make a little history for me: The first fish caught from our very own back yard. While not a large fish by any measure, it was big to me.
I think I'll let things continue to dry out a little before I wade again, perhaps the kayak is the best tool for fishing this particular stretch of bank. In any event, it feels good to be fishing again.
Nice Smallie-- cant wait to give your stretch of the Potomac a try!
Where abouts are you on the potomac? We now live out near point of rocks MD.. so potomac kinda in our back yard.. sorta.. if you go down the road and cross railroad tracks and canal. Just curious. I would love to get more into fly fishing, just haven't had the time to really use the equipment I have.
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